Uses Chapter 5 from Frankenstein to teach students how to answer Question 2 on the AQA Paper 1 English language exam.
Includes animated annotations to help students tackle the 3 separate questions and also includes model examples so students can peer assess their work against the models.
PowerPoint that goes through 4 ways to use a colon. Also addresses the common misuse of a colon by explaining the rule about it preceding a complete sentence.
2 Worksheets with a range of activities to show students how to use a colon to introduce a list, speech or definition and a semi colon to join two sentences.
English Language Paper 1 Section A. An anthology of 20 printable fiction extracts and put together to form a printable anthology. Each extract contains some context about the extract and 1-3 Eduqas style 10 mark questions.
Engaging PowerPoint with various resources to teach ‘London’ by William Blake.
Wow word differentiated starter
Freeze frame activity
Listening questions
Frame for analysing language, structure, form, context
Detailed annotations
Annotation activity
This lesson is focused on Paper 1 Question 3 (AQA - commenting on the structure of the whole text).
This seems to be a popular topic for interviews at the moment.
I have used a very short extract with lots of shifts which widen and narrow the focus - Midnight’s Children by Salman Rushdie.
Starter: Students rate their understanding of structural devices.
Construct: Students try to identify narrative shifts in focus in the text.
Main: Students look in more detail at the narrative shifts in the text.
This activity is in the form of an A3 table and is differentiated.
Bronze Level: Identify what is happening during each shift.
Silver: Apply structural devices.
Gold: Comment on the effect of structural devices.
I have also included the lesson plan.
For a more challenging class, students can use the extract from the opening of Kite Runner.